355修法: 宗教极端主义强制信仰与民主的冲突
It is you, Mr Minister and your party ,who are Playing with fire
Pertaining to the boar bristle brushes raids, I put it to all Malaysians, that it is BN and the Minister Hamzah Zainudin himself who is...
Trump Muslim Ban; Highest degree of Discrimination, Irresponsibility and Hypocrisy
On the Trump ban of citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen; I express my deepest disgust and regret, as the...
A Sudden Sense of Anger Overwhelmed Me
Just overheard a conversation about Faiz Subri's speech during he FIFA Puska Award across the table in a coffee shop . It was the review...
阿勒颇多年的战争终于在星期二结束,并达成停火协议。 这场大规模的内战血洗了叙利亚大地,导致无数的平民生灵涂炭,最终叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德在其军事盟友俄罗斯及伊朗的支持下获得了胜利,并为该战争画上了句号。 这也意味着始于2011年阿拉伯起义,目的为驱逐阿萨德总统下台的...
End of The Battle of Aleppo No Cause To Celebrate
The battle of Aleppo ended on Tuesday after years of fighting, sieges and bombardment as a ceasefire was finally agreed. As part of a...
Political Imprisonments and detentions – a symptom of failing states
The signs of a failed state is when it has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a overeign government...
Yang Lain Tumbuk, Yang Lain Kena Tuduh
Kenyataan Dato’ Seri Jamal Yunos yang menyalahkan seorang peserta yang berbaju T Bersih di atas kecederaan yang menimpanya merupakan satu...
美国中庸建制被抗,造反极端派成功 大马腐败建制屹立,进步派悬立崖边
对我来说,这场选举应该以民主党对抗共和党的角度来作出分析;或建制派对抗反建制派。无论结果是输是赢,我依然坚持立场支持民主。 自以前就已经是伯尼的支持者,在一个如此反对建制的民主环境里,,共和党候选派上一名那么反对建制的总统候选人,其实民主党同样地委派反对建制的候选人,策...
Achieving SDG’s -Social Democratic Goals ; where does Malaysia stand?
The Global Paradox "For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. " ...