Think & do different, to make a real differences
Individuals will look back at the year just gone to decide on a new year’s resolution for the one about to start. As the corporate saying...
‘A Krismas Carol’ 2013
I woke up to the phrase ‘Bah Humbug!’ as a reply to one of my Facebook Christmas cards this morning from a British friend from way back....

Malaysia joining United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Support or Not?
Malaysia joining the International ‘Big-boys’- Support or Not? The Government announced today that Malaysia is, as we speak, flexing...

阿力(匿名),16岁,他应该是我的选区内其中一个最勤劳的年轻人。如果你身在兵如港,或许你常会看见脸上挂满笑容的他,他的笑容可称得上为兵如港的标志。如果你到太子道附近的咖啡店,或许你会看见他每天都呆在那里帮忙。 或许你会好奇为何他没有上学,答案是:阿力把自己的求学机会让给...

Farewell Madiba
This morning saw the departure of a man worthy of so much more than humanity can offer in this lifetime; a man whose iron resolve and...