Najib Razak Memperbodohkan 52% Pengundi Rakyat Malaysia Yang Mahu Perubahan
Najib menyatakan bahawa kehidupan rakyat Iraq dahulu di bawah pemerintahan diktator kejam, Saddam Hussein adalah lebih baik, berbanding...

Najib’s Speech to iInternational iInvestors Delusional
The delegates of the 13th Invest Malaysia Conference were confronted with a heavily loaded political speech by Najib aimed at misleading...

‘The unimaginable’ kleptocracy
It has been 60 years since we unshackled ourselves from the regime of colonialism, yet we – the people – are still under occupation. We...

Nhaveen, may you now rest in peace, as memories of you live on.
I wouldn't presume to know the suffering felt by Nhaveen, who left us yesterday after being a victim of an unthinkable incident of peer...

The 4th Industrial Revolution; A Progressive Response
In simple terms, this means that work that used to require lots of humans, will now be replaced with Robots; at productivity, accuracy...


1 May is the symbol of the 8-hour working day. If you are a worker, Today's YOUR day
Karl Marx saw it as of vital importance to the workers' health, saying in Das Kapital: "By extending the working day, therefore,...

民主行动党是马来西亚民主议会里第二大的政党,在亚太区及国际上也备受认同。而且,民主行动党在国际政治平台上也充分扮演着重要角色,比如最近受委成为进步联盟的最高理事。本人中选国际社会主义青年联盟主席一职,即是全世界最大的青年政治组织,都是行动党多年来在国内外的奋斗及战绩所托的。 ...

Taxi & Uber : An ideological debate
Over the last few days, there’s been a storm of a debate on the back of a statement I made over the regulatory double standards faced...

When Zealotry forces a clash between Faith and Democracy
Last time I checked, Malaysia is a Parliamentary Democracy. Whatever flaws it has, it is neither an Islamic state nor any form of...