The dangerous path towards autocratisation
Whilst the world over is taking the path towards democratization, there are two distinctive leaders who are taking their nations down the...

Sarawak - The Case for Closing the Gap
The Sarawak State elections are over. Three weeks in the deep interior of rural Sarawak was nothing short of an eye-opener. I am more...

Top 4 US presidential candidates oppose TPPA. It may not be a ‘done deal’ after all
Having travelled through 4 states in the last 10 days- a mixture of liberal and conservative strongholds- in the USA, TPPA has become one...

The International Affairs Platform
The international affairs platform is one that has never been given much appreciation nor attention in days gone by. For obvious and...

Curing our Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HYde healthcare system
The Malaysian healthcare system operates as a dichotomous system wherein a unique public-private partnership exists to solve the...

Budget 2016 - Austerity at a Time of Growth
For the first time ever, Najib shows and pointedly attacks the opposition's shadow budget whilst tabling his own; the most humble and...

PM fearless of losing his job is admission of dirty elections and is shameless of his scandals
"I am not in a hurry to go back home for fear of losing my job or something like that," Najib said to US business leaders in New York. Of...

Selling Off the Goose That Lays Golden Eggs
PERBADANAN KEMAJUAN NEGERI PERAK (PKNP), the Perak State Government's (the State) investment arm owns among many other companies, Perak...

Pasir Pinji Local Food Guide Series - 100% Perakian Pan Mee
We often hear of, and even utter ourselves the words “it ain’t what it used to be”, when we speak of local dishes and local ingredients....

Chrysalis of PAS
"The third stage of a Monarch butterfly's lifecycle is the chrysalis, or pupa, stage. The chrysalis stage lasts from the time the...