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Think & do different, to make a real differences

Individuals will look back at the year just gone to decide on a new year’s resolution for the one about to start. As the corporate saying goes,’no sound projections can ever be made without honest reflections’. So let’s just reflect.

2013 has been an unforgettable year, especially for Perakians. Sad to say, it is for all the wrong reasons, and no amount of positive thinking can produce a positive narrative. Not only did we see the defeat of Pakatan Rakyat despite securing 55% popular vote, that’s close to 10% more votes than Barisan Nasional, more tragically, we saw the defeat of Perakians’s democratic will. It didn’t seem so, immediately after the elections in May, but now, as we look back in reflection of the year ticking close towards its end, it seems that only Barisan Nasional leaders, operatives and politicians have any cause for celebration. Even their voters and supporters couldn’t escape the cruel realities of a 13th term Barisan Nasional Government with Najib, and Zambry here in Perak, at the helm. The gloomy prospects

Tapering and the eventual ending of QE3, property bubbles all over the regions on the brink of bursting, introduction of GST leading to rising commodity prices and cost of living, strangled consumption due to decrease in disposable income, etc are all clear indicators of an impending A regional, if not global financial crisis. Whilst large corporations and BN cronies continue to thrive at the expense of the working class, the youth and the working class are set to be crippled at the starting block. When they do get off to a start, they get trapped in a ‘rat race’ of working jobs that simply enables them to keep going to work, rather than getting ‘decent work’ with a chance to grow and succeed. Perak’s BN government has made no preparation and even has no intention to provide a sorely needed cushion from the inevitable blow. The youth, in Perak and nationwide, both in the 12th as well and 13th General elections, were the bastion for Change. In the 13th GE, 23 percent of voters under the age of 30 and just short of half of the entire electorate being under 40- and two million first-time voters, many of whom were youths, the voice of the youth is not something anyone can ignore, politically speaking or otherwise. Whilst BN youth paints a picture through their empty promises of speaking for the youth, we in Pakatan believe in action. Out of the 18 candidates n GE13 which DAP fielded, we returned 18 state assemblypersons, with more than a quarter being DAPSY members under the age of 40. Instead of just waxing lyrical about the importance of youth with no serious actions to back it up, the youth is very much so in leadership roles affecting the policy, thinking and operations of DAP and Pakatan Rakyat. A slither of silver lining in a dark stormy sky It is said the Rakyat’s support for Pakatan Rakyat in GE13 is a clear signal that Malaysia has entered into new political age. This is an age of new politics, new ideas, renewed ideals and a never-seen-before hunger for debate, discourse and Change. Although not by design, it was the youth who brought about its emergence; now it must be the youth that must be its sentinel to the continuance of this new age. The end of 2013 will mark a clean cut from the sorrows and heartache resulted by the 13th GE; the start of 2014 must mark a renewal of efforts to relight the beacon that signifies this new age. DAPSY Perak can, and will be the torchbearer in leading this, which must become a nationwide youth movement. Why? How? You may ask. The new role of the youth wing

With another four years with BN at the helm, it is overwhelmingly clear that we have tough times ahead; and extraordinary times like this calls for extraordinary measures. And yes, even as radical as rethinking the function of DAPSY Perak and the youth wings of all political parties. The traditional and conventional role played by the youth wing of being the ‘infantry’, can no longer be the sole responsibilities held by DAPSY. The youth wings of political parties must evolve in tandem with the youths of today, and DAPSY Perak intends to be the first to take that first evolutionary and revolutionary step. DAPSY Perak will take it upon ourselves to be the ones exploring uncharted waters and untested grounds in public policy design and people engagement, effectively acting as the research and development arm of the party. With that, we aim to;

  • Facilitate a transition of the public’s bygone perception of Pakatan Rakyat Perak being merely a government in waiting that’s failed, to a party that is fit, ready and capable to govern, with not only a clear governing agenda, but a legislative and reform agenda to bring about relevant, significant and longlasting positive change.

  • Innovate our approaches and thinking out of the box to assist our coalition partners as well as ourselves in shoring up new speheres of support, that will double up as small manifestations of locally uncharted yet global ideas that touch everyone’s lives.

  • Make DAP be known as the party of ideals and ideas, and also the party that can make them work.

  • embark on a journey of reimagining and reshaping Perakian politics and redefining the Youth’s role in it.

  • To push for acceptance of the notion of not only should the youth stand and speak for the youth, but the youth can and should speak for all Malaysians of all age, gender, colour and creed.

On top of all the aforementioned, DAPSY Perak will be continuing and evolving in our work of serving our fellow Malaysians like we have always done through thick and thin throughout the years. That is the new role that DAPSY Perak seeks to play on the Perak Political landscape in 2014. You can say that’s our New year’s resolution. Let’s together do different In line with the spirit of doing things differently, our new years message this year will not be a passionate plea to the youth to join the party or be part of our journey. We believe our actions, our ideals and track record does that sufficiently and the youth of today are intelligent enough to make their own decisions We will end this year and this message, by wishing you the best for all your endeavours and visions for this coming year. DAPSY Perak will be here with you and for you through the struggles and difficulties in the months ahead. Let’s work together in thinking and doing different, in making a difference. Happy 2014.

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